The distance travelled by local bus services in Wales has dropped by 20% in 10 years, says the BBC.
Wales has seen the biggest percentage drop in bus miles between 2006-2007 and 2016-2017 compared tobvother parts of the UK, a BBC survey has found..
Wales’ 19.5% decline is 13.4% more than in England, 4.4% more than in Scotland, and 13.5% more than in Northern Ireland. It means that the 130 million bus journeys in 2008/09 has now fallen to 100 million journeys.
Welsh Conservative Shadow Economy and Infrastructure Secretary, Russell George AM, said, “The consistent failures of the Welsh Labour Government is clearly having a devastating impact on bus services across Wales.
“People across the country rely on public transport for a variety of reasons, from doing their weekly shop to visiting relatives in hospital, but the drop in bus provision shouldn’t come as a surprise after the significant cuts made by the Welsh Government to operator grants.
“It is a particular disappointment to see the distances travelled by buses in Wales fall so sharply at a time when people across our country are becoming more environmentally conscious.”