Petrol and diesel vans are likely to be used by fleets for rural journeys and motorways but business car users are most likely to rely on evs for any trip. Few businesses are considering the type of journeys being taken, for example – rural, urban and motorway – when electrifying their company car fleets, according to new research. The 2023 Arval Mobility Observatory Barometer shows that among … [Read more...]
Service bookings taking longer
Lead times for fleet service, maintenance and repair have risen by more than 57% since the start of the pandemic, according to new data from epyx. In January 2020, the average time between when a company car or van booking was created to when the vehicle went in for work was 8.11 days - but today stands at 12.76 days. This data is taken from epyx’s 1link Service Network platform, which is used … [Read more...]
Fleets will drive European sales this decade
Europe’s vehicle components industry says fleet purchases will dominate future sales. Boston Consulting Group and parts makers CLEPA looked at the anticipated after market business by the end of the decade. Results show that fleet vehicles are capturing a significant and rising share of the European aftermarket. Five countries alone (Germany, France, United Kingdom, Netherlands, and Poland) will … [Read more...]
Van drivers’ role delivering zero-emissions
As the world starts to transition away from internal combustion engines and towards electric vehicles, couriers, delivery fleets and individual traders are itching to make the move to electric vans. Yet while electric van uptake has doubled in the past year, the market is still around two years behind that of cars, causing the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders to call for a ‘Van Plan’ by … [Read more...]
JustPark rental boosts households incomes
With the legislated transition to clean-air powertrains looming many businesses are looking to swap their commercial fleets to electric, but there's a looming problem. There’s a barrier currently, which is that most drivers take these vehicles home at night and finding safe and reliable charging is difficult. Broker JustPark finds a homeowner with a driveway within a short walk of the fleet … [Read more...]
Fleet budgets challenged as hires are extended
Service, maintenance and repair budgets are being severely challenged as fleets are forced to run vehicles for longer, with no end in sight to the immediate lack of vehicle availability due to the semiconductor crisis. According to tyre and maintenance provider ATS Euromaster, both fleets and leasing companies are having to juggle new car availability against extended rentals and increased … [Read more...]
Vans will have to carry more miles, warn ATS Euromaster
Fleets will need to keep their new vans in service for longer than planned because of the component shortages affecting vehicle production across the board from cars to heavy trucks. With van production slowed or suspended thanks to lack of microprocessor chips, lack of available product means fleets will not be able to replace vehicles that would normally be de-fleeted during the coming … [Read more...]
Fleets focus on EVs for future models
Rapid uptake of battery electric vehicles is planned by around four in 10 fleets in the near future, according to research in the Arval Mobility Observatory 2021 Barometer. When asked, “What percentage of your car or van fleet will be 100% BEV in the next three years?”, overall, car operators answered with 42% while their van counterparts said 37%. The level of expected EV uptake within three … [Read more...]
Fleet providers see growth coming, says Arval
Company car and van fleets are markedly more optimistic about growth than before the pandemic, according to new research in the 2021 Arval Mobility Observatory Barometer. When asked whether they expected the number of vehicles they operate to increase or decrease in the next three years, the response was eight percentage points higher than 2020’s survey. However, larger fleets appear to be … [Read more...]
Remobilise for return to normal business
Fleets need to be thinking about how they will “remobilise” their operations as the pandemic ends, says epyx. The company points out that, if the planned vaccination programme now underway is implemented rapidly, something approaching the new normal’s version of business-as-usual could materialise quite quickly. Debbie Fox, commercial director, explained, “Expert views on the speed with which … [Read more...]