The cold weather brought chaos to roads around South Wales as black ice caused major problems for motorists heading to work on untreated roads.
It was an expensive slip for the driver of this Ferrari 458 Italia, list price £170,000, as it lost grip on Llandennis Avenue, Roath Park, in Cardiff at around 7.30am friday, but no one was hurt in the accident. Image courtesy of Roger Donovan at Mediaphotos.
Sustrans Cymru is launching ‘Active Journeys,’ a new three-year programme funded by Welsh Government.
The walking and cycling programme is designed to support schools across Wales to increase the number of pupils using active modes of transport for the school run, a key area for delivering the aims of the Active Travel (Wales) Act 2013.
Executives from Renault will appear today before a commission looking at whether automakers have broken emissions rules, a French newspaper said.
Energy Minister Segolene Royal said on Thursday there was no sign that Renault had fraudulently concealed emissions with defeat device computer programs like those found in some Volkswagen diesel models but preliminary results from tests ordered by Royal indicated that emissions from some Renaults whose offices were searched last week in a probe into vehicle emissions, as well as some vehicles made by foreign manufacturers, exceeded limits.
A much anticipated vote on draft EU rules on testing pollutant emissions from cars, which was foreseen for next week, will be postponed.
The vote on the proposal to reject a decision to allow vehicles to significantly exceed EU pollutant limits under new ‘real driving emissions’ (RDE) tests for measuring compliance with EU car pollution limits will now take place at the parliament’s plenary session in February.