Most drivers prefer the state of roads across the Channel compared to the UK’s pothole-ridden ones, according to RAC Europe.
Six-in-10 (62%) motorists say local roads in Europe are in better condition with fewer potholes than equivalent roads in the UK, with only a fifth (17%) thinking UK roads are in better shape than those on the continent.
Concerningly, more than half (57%) of drivers also think there are fewer, less severe potholes on Europe’s motorways than on the UK’s high-speed equivalents, both of which carry millions of drivers a day. Just one-in-five (19%) said the UK fares better while 14% said there was little or no difference.
The RAC also asked drivers about the vital car maintenance checks they carry out before driving in European countries. A quarter (25%) admitted they don’t check their car’s coolant levels before setting off, which helps regulate vehicle temperatures – something that’s even more important when the weather is hot.** A further quarter (25%) said they sometimes monitor coolant levels ahead of a trip while more than half (56%) check before most journeys.
A similar proportion – two-in-10 (20%) –– said they don’t complete a vitally important oil check before a long trip, and a quarter (24%) only do some of the time. Fortunately, 56% of those surveyed said they check their vehicle’s oil most or all the time.
When asked about their tyres, motorists were more cautious. Nearly seven-in-10 (69%) mostly or always check if their tyres are inflated to the right pressures before a drive abroad, while more than a third (67%) check their tyres have a good tread and are not damaged.
Only 9% said they don’t know or never check if their tyres are inflated while very worryingly, 11% don’t know or never check the condition of their tyres.
Rod concluded, “The positive news is that even in countries where the roads appear to be better, most drivers are being diligent with essential vehicle checks and making sure their tyres are in good shape.
“However, it’s also very important to have a look at your vehicle’s oil and coolant levels as both can lead to catastrophic breakdowns, something no one ever wants, especially when on holiday in Europe.
“With a fifth of drivers telling us they never check if they’ve got the right level of breakdown cover for their trip, we encourage anyone driving to Europe this summer to ensure they’ve got the correct policy to cover them if something unexpected happens to their vehicle.
“And, if you’re hiring a car abroad, it’s also well worth taking out car hire excess insurance as rental firms charge thousands if it gets damaged or stolen.”