Toyota has regained top spot as the world’s biggest car maker. It has overtaken Volkswagen Group with Renault-Nissan in third place, GM fourth, Hyundai Kia fifth, Ford sixth, Fiat-Chrysler seven, Honda eighth, PSA ninth and top ten is completed by Suzuki. The World Car Brands Ranking notes Volkswagen started slipping late summer with a 7.4% drop in July, slipping another 2.3% in August and … [Read more...]
Jobs boost in pipeline for car industry suppliers
About 28,000 new jobs could be created in the UK automotive supply chain by 2020, said The Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders. In a report, The future of UK automotive manufacturing in 2025 and beyond, the SMMT identifies growth in vehicle manufacturing and a move to connected and autonomous technology as presenting significant opportunities for British component suppliers in the coming … [Read more...]
British buyers boost business
Latest figures from the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders reveal a steady growth in UK car manufacturing in May. Statistics show 119,338 cars built – a rise of 2.3% and a strong domestic market again played a significant part with a 13.3% increase outweighing a small dip in production for export, and the Sunderland-made Nissan Qashqai is Britain's top home-made model. The industry … [Read more...]