A comprehensive set of ten product improvements has led to the creation of Falken’s new Eurowinter HS449 winter tyre.
The HS449, its name signifying the ten developments over the previous HS439, incorporates tread, compound and construction changes to improve wet braking, stability and noise.
Performance specialists Revolution Motorstore has launched their new website and e-Shop after 12 months of backroom development.
Showcasing the most competitive prices in Europe, Revolutions’ site is brighter, fresher and easier to navigate than ever with over 20,000 products listed for purchase.
Whether you run one or many hundreds of fleet vehicles there’s one thing you can never have control over and that’s the weather.
Snocks provide an economic alternative to snow chains with all the positives and none of the negatives, proving to be 98% as effective, easy and fast to fit in just a ¼ of the time, completely portable and a fraction of the price starting at under £65, or less with multi-discount for fleets.