Mental health is the next key area where fleets should look make improvements in the health and safety of drivers, says FleetCheck.
With around one in four people likely to be affected by a problem of this type during their lives, it is something that employers should include in their risk management assessments, said Peter Golding, managing director.
He explained: “It is already a legal obligation to inform the DVLA about a mental health problem that affects your ability to drive.
“However, as a risk management subject, mental health is potentially much more complex than this. If you are suffering from stress or depression, for example, it is likely that your employer would only feel the need to become involved if you are taking medication.
“There is research to show that depression can have a direct impact in areas such as concentration and reaction times, both of which have a direct effect on your suitability to be driving. Fleets should arguably be considering these issues and including them in their risk management strategies.”