The RAC dealt with 9,700 breakdowns wednesday, which is an unprecedented number at the end of February.
This was 36% more than forecast even after it factored in the extreme weather conditions and 50% busier than it should have been for the time of year.
“By 11am on thursday the RAC had already helped 3,500 stricken motorists – a record 80% more than it would do normally on the first day of March,” said a spokesman.
“Patrols and recovery drivers saw a three-fold % increase in vehicles being ditched compared to the last seven days and a 162% rise in road traffic accidents. There was a 100% increase in vehicles failing to start due to batteries and starting motors not coping with the sub-zero conditions.”
The Met Office has warned heavy snow showers are likely to continue today and reappear during tomorrow. Road, rail and air services are also affected.