A fuel cell car developed in Wales has won almost £105,000 of Government funding for its production processes.
In the twelfth round of UK funding projects to develop ideas to cut vehicle emissions and help plug-in cars drive further, Riversimple Engineering of Llandrindod Wells has moved a step closer to deciding where to locate the production factory for its Rasa hydrogen car (above).
The Severn Tunnel will temporarily close for rail services between Wales and England at the end of September while upgrades are done for future electrification.
The work is scheduled for just under six weeks but any over-run is likely to hit the opening game of the autumn international series in Cardiff the first weekend of November.
A London parking space has been put on the market for an eye-watering £350,000.
The private parking space has room for just one car behind the prestigious Hyde Park Gardens and is more than one and a half times higher than the average house price in the UK.
Vauxhall has launched a new Extended Warranty website to support its customer service excellence by delivering added protection for customers.
Now Vauxhall owners have an easy way to buy their extended warranty cover, with a choice of cover level and payment terms, including pay-as-you-go options in association with Allianz.
Overall, 2015 was a year of steady growth in the UK automotive manufacturing sector.
Employment growth out-paced output, as investments were put in place for new models, so productivity is likely to have dipped slightly, though as those new models ramp up to full production, 2016 should see output growth, productivity growth, and steady employment, says the Government’s business office.