Welsh Conservatives have reiterated their opposition to 20mph becoming the standard speed limit in Wales following news that Labour-run Monmouthshire County Council will scrap the limits on two roads following congestion concerns.
Commenting on the news, the Welsh Conservative Shadow Minister for Transport, Natasha Asghar MS said, “What we are seeing here is the beginning of, what I suspect will be, large-scale resistance to the imposition of default 20mph from the Labour Government that is riding roughshod over local decision makers in pursuit of an anti-driver agenda.
“The Welsh Conservatives have long said 20mph speed limits can be appropriate in certain areas such as outside of schools and playgrounds, but forcing councils to fork out thousands of pounds to fix this baseless law shows it should never have been passed in the first place.
“Labour have already admitted that this policy will come at an astonishing cost of £4.5bn to the Welsh economy, proving being anti-driver means being anti-growth.
“Meanwhile, public opinion has not been greatly in favour of this change, with countless people, all across Wales feeling they were not able to have a proper say in this decision, and a new report has cast doubt over how many lives it would actually save.
“Labour ministers need to stop imposing dogmatic and restrictive measures on road users in Wales and focus on making sure Wales has a public transport system fit for the 21st century.”
Motorists face more misery as the Labour Government in Cardiff Bay again is delaying reporting back on its Roads Review, which resulted in the suspension of roadbuilding in Wales since July last year. Lee Waters MS, Deputy Minister for Climate Change in charge of Transport, has released a statement saying Labour ministers will “reconsider our full response to the Roads Review”. |
• Labour this week announced a park and ride scheme for commuters to Anglesey who have been delayed by the closure of the Menai Straits Bridge and includes free parking, but its considered inadequate as work on the failing structure is scheduled to take over two months to complete. |
Despite an increase in global energy prices, the aftermath of the coronavirus pandemic, and Putin’s brutal war in Ukraine, Waters felt it appropriate to blame his delay on the UK Government for the current “fiscal and economic situation”.
Commenting, Welsh Conservative Shadow Transport Minister Natasha Asghar MS said, “The way the Labour Government is going about their road-building freeze is driving people mad.
“It is astonishing that Lee Waters thinks it is acceptable to put infrastructure projects that drive growth, business, and jobs in Wales on hold and then has the cheek to blame the UK Conservative Government who have long highlighted the folly of banning road-building.
“We know that the current economic situation has been caused by an increase in global energy prices, the aftermath of the coronavirus pandemic, and Putin’s brutal war in Ukraine, so Labour should lay the blame there and accept that they are responsible that no roads have been built in over a year in Wales.
“Labour is on road to nowhere – it is time to put aside the dogma and build the roads Wales needs.”